Retirement Plan Services

SEP Plans

An ideal pension plan for small organizations, SEP Plans allow your company contributions to be made to eligible employees’ individual retirement account (IRA).

  • Minimal paperwork and expense
  • Minimal tax filing
  • All taxable businesses (sole proprietors, partnerships and corporations) and tax-exempt organizations may establish SEP Plans
  • Any employee who has worked for three out of the past five years and is age 21 or older must be covered; exclusions are permitted for certain employees
Maximum total plan contribution that the employer may deduct

25% participant’s pay or $61,0001, whichever is less2

Maximum annual participant deferral (cannot exceed 100% of pay)

No participant deferral contributions allowed

Required employer contribution


Drop in one of our branch locations or call our One Call Center at (888) 522-2265 for more information or to open an account.


1 The DC annual additions limit is effective for limitation years ending in the calendar year. The dollar limit is increased by the amount of the applicable catch-up contribution.
2 Grandfathered SARSEP rules may differ slightly; please consult IRS Publication 560.
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